Trainer dashboard, filter enhancements and notification usability improvements.
What's new
Trainer dashboard
Trainers have a new dashboard!
Trainers can now view all their upcoming events and tasks to be done in one place.
This will give trainers the ability to efficiently see all the events that require their involvement.
The dashboard will show the trainer which events require any register, assessment or feedback
Filter enhancements
Users can now filter by venue and room when searching for events.
This will make events or sessions easier to find in specific locations when using the calendar or the events menu.
Notification usability improvements
Administrators will now have the ability to restore email notificaitons back to their default template.
The default template is the systems original template, so if a mistake is made the administrator can reset to a template that will provide users with the relevant information that is required at that time.
Attendance management improvements
Administrators and trainers are now able to book more users on to a session after the sessions booking period has expired.
This gives administrators and trainers the right to register learners that did not make the booking date yet still attended the session. It also allows administrators and trainers to book people to a session that has not started and is not allowing further bookings.
Coming next
Some of the features coming in our next release.
Learner dashboard
Learners will soon have access to a dashboard view of all their bookings and history regarding events.
From this view users will be able to observe when their next event is, which sessions they have cancelled and which sessions are awaiting trainer actions for their completion record.
Email notification improvements
The email notifications have been revised and will soon be improved.
They will provide users with better information and presented in a user friendly manner.
User management view
Administrators can also expect a list of all users across their workspaces.
User' details and status will be efficiently managed here, allowing administrators to change user' accounts to active, inactive or expired.
Suggestions, feedback and help
If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can make Blue LMS even better, or find an issue, please let us know by raising a ticket through our knowledge centre. And, If you haven't already, check out the help guidance available.