This article outlines the process of accepting a course licence as a new user to Me Learning, and as a user with an existing training account.
Accept a course licence as a new user
Click on the View licence button in the invitation email (if this email cannot be found, advise the person who purchased the licence to re-send the invite):
To create a training account enter your first/last name then tick the box to agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy:
A notification page will appear to confirm the account has been created - click on the Continue to training login button then set an account password (Note your username will be emailed to you upon creation).
If the course is not already on the homepage (under My courses) go to Courses > Pending licences then click Accept to add the course.
Accept a course licence with an existing training account
Click on the View licence button in the invitation email and sign into your training account (if you can't remember your log in details click on the Forgotten your username and/or password link and enter your email address to reset your password).
Upon signing in the following page will appear:
Click Accept (or Accept all and continue if there is more than one pending licence). The course(s) can now be accessed via the homepage, under My courses.
If the pending course licence page does not display upon signing in, go to Courses > Pending licences: