The Bulk update users function can be used to make updates to, or delete, multiple learner accounts at one time. The update is performed via a spreadsheet and can be used to update and amend:
- information contained within the users profile
- their location within the organisation (sector, service, group etc)
- system roles (direct appraiser, user approver etc)
Access Bulk upload users through Manage users within the the Users menu then select the Bulk update users tab.
To bulk update users download the bulk update spreadsheet in either XLS or XLSX format:
Populate the spreadsheet with details of the learner accounts to be updated.
- The username field must be completed in order to identify the learner accounts to be updated.
- The final field entitled Action an option must be selected. This field is pre-populated with two actions: Update and Delete. This informs the system whether the learner account is to be updated with new information or to be deleted.
- Upload the populated spreadsheet by clicking the Choose file button and selecting the saved spreadsheet then click the Upload button.
- A message will be produced indicating the number of learners successfully, and/or unsuccessfully as below:
Any learner accounts which have not been successfully updated will be shown in an error log, downloadable as an .XLS file. This will highlight failed records with reasons for the update failure, as below:
Errors should be amended as per the error report then update of failed records reattempted.