The Bulk upload users function can be used to create multiple learner accounts at once. Note: This will generate Welcome emails and send out login details immediately.
- Access Bulk upload users through Manage users within the Users menu then select the Bulk upload users tab.
- Download the Bulk Upload spreadsheet in either XLS or XLSX format.
Populate the spreadsheet with learner details. Field names are displayed in row 1 of the bulk upload spreadsheet (these can be amended if required through Manage bulk upload spreadsheet).
A number of fields are mandatory and must be populated in order for the bulk upload to succeed, these are marked with an asterisk: *.
Note: Mandatory fields are; Username, First Name, Last Name, E-mail, Sector ID, Service ID, Requires direct appraiser role, Required course approver role, Status.
Note: It is important to ensure details are entered into the spreadsheet without any additional spaces which could cause errors when performing the bulk upload.
Upload the populated spreadsheet by clicking the Choose file button and selecting the saved spreadsheet then click the Upload button.
A message will be produced indicating the number of learners successfully, and/or unsuccessfully uploaded:
Any learner accounts which have not been successfully uploaded will be shown in a downloadable .XLS file highlighting failed records. Reasons for the upload failure will be provided within the spreadsheet:
Errors should be amended as per the error report then upload of failed records reattempted.
Tip: Sectors and Services are connected, to to see which Services are associated with which Sectors, go to the System IDs tab
So you can see, below, that Sector 7 has Service ID's of 22, 23, 24, 25, 42 and 44