System settings contains site customisation options, terms and conditions, learner self-registration options and other high-level site settings. Only the master administrator can make changes to this section. This article covers:
- Organisation details
- Header
- Site images / banner
- Footer links
- Terms and conditions
- Unique email addresses
- 'My courses' setting for learners
- Course approval requests
- User-expiry limit
- Never logged in reminder emails
- Self-registration
- Equal opportunities
- Edit profile
- Course filter
- Refresher guide updates
- Landing screen upon first login
- Contact us
Organisation details
Basic details regarding the organisation and the person responsible for the system within the organisation can be stored here.
The site's header can be customised in order to reflect organisational branding. It is possible to add primary and secondary logos along with a site name and strap-line. Please note the guidelines regarding logo height & width so logos are correctly displayed within the header.
Site help email and Site help contact number will appear on learner and administrator login pages underneath the site strap line, if entered.
Site images / banner
Administrators can choose whether to display site images or a custom site banner which will appear on login and home screens for site users.
Choosing site images will activate a pool of default images. There are further settings regarding the content of site images and where they are to appear.
If a site banner is chosen, an image can be uploaded. There is guidance on image size and dimensions to ensure the banner is correctly displayed. If no banner image is uploaded the default Me Learning banner will be displayed.
Footer links
Links to two websites along with a contact email address can be added to the site footer.
Terms and conditions
Me Learning's terms and conditions are provided as a default. If Me Learning courses are being used with the system, these must not be disabled or changed, however additional terms and conditions can be added to these.
Terms and conditions are enabled by default, it is not recommended to disable these. A Terms and conditions link will appear within the footer for users.
Administrators can choose whether users must accept terms and conditions upon first login.
Unique email addresses
If set to yes, email addresses must be unique to each learner account. If set to no, it will be possible to create multiple learner accounts using one email address.
'My courses' setting for learners
By default, this is set to allow learners to see their completed courses on the home screen, this can be disabled and learners can also override the default if they wish.
If set to no, completed courses will not appear for learners. This may be desirable if learners are expected to complete a large number of courses.
Course approval requests
When a learner enrols onto a course which has been set to conditional enrolment approval from an administrator or course approver will be required.
This setting allows the master administrator to choose to receive an external email when a learner requests to enrol onto a course.
User-expiry limit
The period of time which learners have access to the site can be set if required.
Never logged in reminder emails
It is possible to choose to send learners a system generated email if they do not log in after a set amount of time (7, 14, 21 or 28 days) after their account has been created.
If self-registration has been enabled, the Self-register button (below) will appear on the Course centre and Login screens (this can be deactivated on one or both screens) and learners can self-register for an account. It is not possible to self-register for a sub-administrator account - they can only be added by the master administrator account.
Fields regarding the system roles; direct appraiser and course assessor can be enabled and disabled.
The self registration key functions as an optional additional layer of security to ensure only those with permission are able to self-register. When the self registration key is activated, learners attempting to self-register will be asked for this as the first field on the self-registration screen. If the self-registration key is not entered correctly, it will not be possible to self-register for an account.
Self-registration validation can also be enabled and disabled. If validation is enabled, self-registration requests will need to be validated by an administrator or a course approver (if enabled), when validated, learners will receive their login details via email. If disabled, learners will receive an email with their login details immediately after self-registration is completed.
Self-registration validation requests will be received as a system notification and also an external email, if desired, these options can be set on creation of administrator accounts.
The master administrator can also choose whether or not to receive user validation requests as external emails.
Email address suffixes which are added to the Validation email exceptions list will be exempt from validation. Learners using email addresses added to the list will receive the link to validate their own account via email and will subsequently receive their login details via email immediately after validation.
Equal opportunities
When enabled, the equal opportunities monitoring form need to be completed by learners before they are able to access their courses.
Administrators with permission can monitor equal opportunities information provided through the Equal opportunities dashboard within the reports menu.
Edit profile
Learners can be allowed to, or restricted from, editing their own profiles and downloading their own certificates.
Course filter
The course filter can be enabled or disabled. If there are a large number of courses within a system the course filter can be of assistance to learners in searching for courses. For systems with few courses the course filter may be unnecessary.
Refresher guide updates
Automatic updates for refresher guides can be enabled and disabled, if applicable to an organisation.
Landing screen upon first login
The screen a learner first lands on upon logging in can be determined. By default, this is set to the home screen.
Contact us
Contact information can be provided for learners on both the login and home screens. If enabled, an orange box will be displayed containing contact details entered in this section.