Dashboard reports provide visual overviews of the operation of various parts of Blue LMS. There are five dashboard reports, these are:
- Compliance dashboard by course
- Compliance dashboard by user
- Course completion overview dashboard
- User activity dashboard
- System usage dashboard
Access dashboard reports through the Reports menu.
To switch between the different dashboard reports use the Type of report dropdown menu:
All dashboard reports can be saved, downloaded and scheduled using the Select action dropdown menu which appears above and below the on-screen dashboards. Filters applied can also be saved as templates (for reports where filtering is available).
Compliance dashboard by course, Compliance dashboard by user, Course completion overview dashboard and User activity dashboard can all be filtered if required. For reports where filters are hidden by default, they can be exposed by selecting Show filters.
Compliance dashboard by course
This is the first report to be accessed through Dashboard reports. The compliance dashboard by course shows all of the courses within Blue LMS, each represented as a pie chart. By default, all learner accounts within the system will be represented within the pie charts. To limit the report to learners who are enrolled on the courses, select No next to Include not enrolled:
Pie charts displayed will now show the status of users enrolled on the course. The three statuses are:
- Not started (blue)
- In process (orange)
- Completed (green)
Clicking on a segment of the pie chart will produce a list of all users represented. From here it is possible to access the user's details and view their training history.
Compliance dashboard by user
On accessing this report, the filters are open by default. It is recommended to apply filters as running the report without will report on every learner account within the system, which may take time, depending upon how many accounts are in the system.
As with Compliance dashboard by course, to view only data for courses which learners are enrolled on, select No next to Include not enrolled.
Each learner account is represented by a pie chart which shows the over all statuses for the courses the learner is enrolled on.
Course completion overview dashboard
This report provides system-wide metrics on course completion. The report can be filtered to narrow the data set if required. There are two pie charts: Course status by enrolment and Average course completion by total number of courses in library, and two bar charts: Course completion by month and Course completion by course.
User activity dashboard
The user activity dashboard provides training metrics for specific learner accounts, including, course status by enrolment, course completion, login activity and course completion relative to courses in the course library.
To run the report a learner account must first be selected by typing into the search box, or selecting from the full list of learners.
System usage dashboard
The system usage dashboard provides data regarding various elements of system usage, including number of users, training undertaken (time), login information and time spent on courses.