Course filters make searching for courses easier, enabling the user to sort courses by category, subject (admin only), and provider. The filters should be enabled when there are enough courses within a portal to warrant their use.
This article covers:
- How to enable/disable course filters
- How filters work
- Categories
- Subjects
- Providers
Enable/disable Course filters
To enable or disable Course filters, access System settings through the Setup menu then access the Course filters section.
When enabled, Course filters will be visible on the following screens:
- Manage courses
- Find course
- Manage modules
- Course centre (self-registration)
- Course library
- My courses
- Recommended courses
How filters work
To filter a list of courses or modules:
1. Click into the desired section of the filter bar (Category, Subject (administrators only) or Provider)
2. Choose the desired filter items
3. When filters are applied a tick will appear next to the name of the section within the filter bar:
Clear filters
Each section has a Clear filters option in the bottom right-hand corner, selecting this will clear any selected filters from that section. Underneath the filter bar is the Clear all filters option. Selecting this will clear any selected filters from all sections.
The Category section filters by tags. Multiple tags can be selected. These are reductive, i.e. selecting multiple tags will display only courses with all of the selected tags assigned to them.
For example: the tags Safeguarding children and Workforce induction have been selected. Only courses with both of these tags are assigned. Courses/modules with only one of these tags assigned are omitted from the search.
The subject section is only visible to administrators. Only one Subject can be selected at one time, all courses/modules with the selected subject assigned to them will be displayed.
Only one provider can be selected at one time, all courses/modules with the selected provider assigned to them will be displayed.
It is possible to filter from different sections at one time. E.g. filters from Category can be selected, then a filter from Provider can be additionally applied.